I started working on a supplemental application to use as a GM tool for HeroQuest while playing the role of Zargon. Right now it is very simple, it contains a list of all the treasure cards in the core game. Clicking on the deck draws the top card and then shuffles the remaining cards. You can try it out in whatever form it is currently in here: elvyler.com/hq_card.

The program is extremely limited in it’s current form. Someday I would like to add many more features:
- A selector to add treasure cards from other official expansions
- A way to add custom treasure cards
- Some type of widget to help Zargon keep track of his minions in battle
If there are any other features that you think would be useful, I’m open to suggestions. Right now as a GM tool for HeroQuest, it’s not very feature rich. With a little effort, I think it could be a useful too. And if it turns out not to be that useful, at least it was a fun project to work on along the way.
Thanks for this neat tool!