Discussion News

State of the Game Room 2024 Update

Lots of new things happening in the coming months. Find out what Elvyler’s up to this year in the State of the Game Room 2024 Update! - 7 minute read

Discussion News

Cannes Festival: New Info Emerges on Against the Ogre Horde, and Revelation of Talisman

Contents of Against the Ogre Horde (NOW AVAILABLE) were recently revealed at the Cannes Festival International des Jeux on Feb 23. - 8 minute read

Discussion News

Against the Ogre Horde – The Next HeroQuest Expansion Announced!

New HeroQuest expansion Against the Ogre Horde announced at Lucca Games and Comic Con - 5 minute read

Discussion News

HeroQuest Mythic Quests (Mostly) Coming to Retail – Preorder Yours Today

The HeroQuest Mythic Quests are back! Mostly… Let’s take a look at the new content coming to retail in 2023! - 7 minute read

Discussion News Reviews

HeroQuest: Rise of the Dread Moon Review – A Deep Delve

Rise of the Dread Moon is finally here! Here’s my review of HeroQuest’s newest expansion from Avalon Hill/Hasbro. - 17 minute read

Discussion News

A New Adversary in Rise of the Dread Moon: Magus Guard

A new challenger approaches. Magus Guard, Rise of the Dread Moon’s newest adversary makes an appearance. - 5 minute read

Discussion News

Rise of the Dread Moon Preorder Now Available

Rise of the Dread Moon preorder is now available officially from Hasbro, along with some new product pictures for us to go through! - 6 minute read

Discussion News

Rise of the Dread Moon Enemies and Details Revealed

Here’s my analysis of the newly revealed HeroQuest: Rise of the Dread Moon images, as well as a short playtesting of the newly teased Specter monster. - 8 minute read

Designer Dialogue Discussion

Designer Dialogue: Interview with 1992 Elf Quest Pack Designer

In this installment of Designer Dialogue, we tell the story of the1992 Elf Quest Pack in an interview with the original designer. - 14 minute read