Check out this showcase for a closer look at the miniatures included in AltarQuest. - 7 minute read
Reviews, Custom Projects, Product Showcases, Unboxings, Game Resources, Gaming Sessions, and More. Find @Elvyler on Twitter.
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Check out this showcase for a closer look at the miniatures included in AltarQuest. - 7 minute read
AltarQuest has arrived! Here’s a quick unboxing and review of the contents. - 7 minute read
Checkout the build log of my Weapon Rack for HeroQuest. - 3 minute read
Do you think that anything could replace the classic HeroQuest? Let’s take a look at the upcoming Altar Quest. - 2 minute read
HeroQuest is being reprinted by Avalon Hill. Here are my thoughts. - 4 minute read
Checkout this GM tool I’ve started developing for HeroQuest. Still a work in progress. - 2 minute read